Resource Library

Global Distributor Compliance Toolkit

cover of Global Distributor Compliance Toolkit

To empower medical technology distributors with the tools and resources needed to build and implement an effective compliance program, AdvaMed and its member companies created a comprehensive Global Distributor Compliance Toolkit (“GDC Toolkit”) for use by all organizations in the global medical technology supply chain. The GDC Toolkit’s 50+ compliance assets include training slides, compliance forms, communication templates, infographics and more, spread across the six Key Areas of Global Compliance. It is highly customizable and neutrally branded, so we encourage you to adapt this Toolkit as your own. Also available in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese.

The Toolkit is an evolving set of material which we aim to update and refine based on user feedback. Submit your thoughts to contribute to the future of Global Compliance. Any and all feedback, insights, questions and comments are well welcome. 

Introductory Material

Welcome Page – PDF | Word

Introductory Slideshow – PDF | PowerPoint

Key Areas Legend – PDF | Word

Overview: Templates & Forms – PDF | Word

Recognizing Government Officials

Training Slides

Cover Slide – PDF | PowerPoint

Definition – PDF | PowerPoint

Examples – PDF | PowerPoint

Case Studies – PDF | PowerPoint

  1. Parisian Surgeon
  2. Public Tender
  3. Know Your Customer

Identifying Conflicts of Interest

Training Slides

Cover Slide – PDF | PowerPoint

Definition & Examples – PDF | PowerPoint

Case Studies – PDF | PowerPoint

  1. Your Spouse
  2. New Sales Representative


Identifying Conflicts of Interest – PDF | Word

Templates & Forms

Conflict of Interest Declaration – PDF | Word

Preventing Bribery & Corruption

Training Slides

Cover Slide – PDF | PowerPoint

Definition & Examples – PDF | PowerPoint

Case Studies – PDF | PowerPoint

  1. Product Training 
  2. Conference Booth
  3. Customs Official 
  4. Procurement Officer


Preventing Bribery & Corruption – PDF | Word

Templates & Forms

Self-Certification – PDF | Word

Sponsorship Packet – PDF | Word

Grant or Donation Packet – PDF | Word

Additional Guidance

Due Diligence Quick Check – PDF | Word

Keeping Good Books & Records

Training Slides

Cover Slide – PDF | PowerPoint

Must’s & Must Not’s – PDF | PowerPoint

Case Studies – PDF | PowerPoint

  1. Documenting Dinner 
  2. Hiding Illegal Payments 
  3. Financial Controls & Bookkeeping


Keeping Good Books & Records – PDF | Word

Templates & Forms

Expense Reimbursement – PDF | Word

Notification on Use of Sub Distributors – PDF | Word

Additional Guidance

Keeping Good Books & Records – PDF | Word

Interacting With HCPs & GOs

Training Slides

Cover Slide – PDF | PowerPoint

Introductory Training Slides – PDF | PowerPoint

  1. Definition
  2. Examples
  3. Five Principles

Main Training Slides – PDF | PowerPoint

  1. Meals
  2. Gifts & Entertainment 
  3. Charitable Donations
  4. Sponsorship of an Individual HCP
  5. Research & Education Grants 
  6. Public Tenders
  7. Demonstration Products & Samples
  8. Example Scenarios 

Case Studies – PDF | PowerPoint

  1. Business Dinner
  2. Small Talk
  3. Travel Request
  4. Concert Tickets
  5. State Monument 
  6. Free Samples


Interacting with HCPs & GOs – PDF | Word 

Templates & Forms

Meeting, Event or Training Packet – PDF | Word 

Meeting Sign-in Sheet – PDF | Word

Additional Guidance

Sample Code of Conduct – PDF | Word

Do’s & Don’ts Brochure – PDF 

Reporting a Concern

Cover Slide – PDF | PowerPoint

Contact Information Slide – PDF | PowerPoint

Speak Up! Postcard – PDF | Word