Press Releases

AdvaMed Welcomes Senate Leadership on AI Policy, Notes Critical Need for Medtech Consideration

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Scott Whitaker, President and CEO of AdvaMed, the Medtech Association, released the following statement regarding the bipartisan “Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence Policy in the U.S. Senate” released yesterday by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD), Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Senator Todd Young (R-IN).

“The roadmap congressional leaders released yesterday demonstrates just how big a role AI will play in nearly every aspect of our lives, and nowhere is it more critical to get the policy right than in health care where patients’ lives are involved,” Whitaker said. “Our approach to regulating AI has to be smart and nimble enough to keep up with innovators. Because of medtech’s pivotal role in developing the very diagnostic tests and treatments that are driving AI in health care, we at AdvaMed look forward to continuing our work with Congress, FDA, and CMS on this. Working together, we can continue to ensure the safety and efficacy of these technologies, and expand patient access to them with sensible, efficient Medicare coverage and reimbursement policies.”

Artificial intelligence already contributes refinements to tests and treatments using medical technology, and it has the potential to achieve even more benefits for patients and clinicians. To date, FDA has authorized 882 AI/ML-enabled medical devices. AdvaMed members manufacture many AI/ML-enabled medical technologies, and the organization recently launched the Digital Health Tech division to represent these companies.

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