Happy New Year!
In reflecting on our first full year with the MedTech Association, AdvaMed’s Imaging Division hit the ground running, laying a solid foundation for our advocacy efforts in the years ahead. We recruited more than 20 member companies to join AdvaMed, including five new AdvaMed Board members in our inaugural year, and stood up committees and sections for our members to collaborate on the most pressing issues for our industry.
The Imaging Division quickly positioned itself as a leader in advocating for expanded access to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)-enabled medical technologies, hosting a patient fly-in and AI Demo Day with Right Scan Right Time to showcase the real-world impact of these innovative tools.
This helped us lay the groundwork for legislation to be introduced that seeks to establish a payment pathway for AI-enabled medical devices. The Division also developed AI principles and engaged CMS on a payment pathway for AI-enabled medical devices in CMS’s CY 2025 proposed payment rule.
At CMS, we worked with the Agency to provide separate payment for radiopharmaceuticals from PET scans, which was a big win for patient access to care. After many years, we also successfully got CMS to cover CT colonography, another milestone win for patients.
We continued to closely collaborate with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) modality-by-modality approach to Energy Star for medical imaging, resulting in the final specification released in early 2025.
Meanwhile, the Imaging Division continued educating federal and state lawmakers on how so-called “right-to-repair” policies pose significant safety threats to patients when applied to medical devices. Together, we defeated a proposal to add a right to repair policy to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and continued our work in state capitals to ensure medical devices are exempted from any right to repair legislation considered.
In state legislatures across the country, AdvaMed’s Imaging Division led the charge to ensure more individuals can benefit from affordable early screenings and preventative care, sending over 20 letters in support of state legislation and seeing seven states pass supplemental breast cancer screening bills. Looking ahead, AdvaMed looks forward to continuing to champion state screening legislation to eliminate cost-sharing barriers for all.
In its inaugural year representing the medical imaging industry, AdvaMed also achieved an important milestone: earning accreditation from the premier American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to develop industry standards for medical device innovation. ANSI accreditation signifies that AdvaMed’s standards development processes meet the highest national and international benchmarks for transparency, due process, and stakeholder engagement.
I’m proud of these accomplishments, which would not have been possible without our dedicated staff and the strong collaboration of our imaging member companies. As the medical technology sector continues to evolve in 2025 and beyond, AdvaMed remains committed to fostering and promoting innovation that takes patient care to the next level.
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